Providing Law Enforcement Services for Candler County
The Candler County Sheriff’s Office Special
Response Team (SRT) is established to respond to critical incidents that
constitute a serious threat to the lives and safety of others when specialized
knowledge, skills, and abilities are required to establish control of the
situation properly. The Special Response
Team(SRT) will be used when an incident has progressed beyond the training
and/or equipment available to the patrol Deputy.
The S.R.T. is comprised of Sheriff’s Office deputies, reserve deputies, volunteers, Emergency Management personnel, and others with skills, assets, and attributes that bolster response capabilities. The S.R.T. is deployed during critical incidents such as missing persons, including the elderly and children, man tracking, woodland operations, domestic terrorism incidents, hostage situations, violent criminal acts, natural disasters, and other law enforcement and emergency management operations. The team has assets such as UAVs (Drones), emergency management capabilities, tracking K9s, apprehension K9s, emergency medical, law enforcement tactical elements, tactical law enforcement equipment, and more.
CCSO employs investigators tasked with investigating illegal drug and gang activity throughout Candler County, which we aggressively investigate.
The CCSO Sex Offender Registry is diligently managed by Beth Clark. The state database is updated regularly. Deputies often perform checks on those on the registry. Those found not to be complying are subject to criminal prosecution. You can view information about those on the registry here:
Sex offender registry Operation Star Witness, the Sheriff’s Crime Camera Program, is an initiative aiming to reduce crime in Candler County. In partnership with the community and Project NOLA, the National Real Time Crime Center, this program will provide a “Star Witness” when crime occurs. This community-based program will provide highly advanced crime cameras through donations and sponsorships, which are low-cost and tax-deductible. If you are interested in learning more about the initiative or if you want to become a sponsor, please contact Captain Justin Wells at (912) 685-2568.
CCSO assigns full-time sworn sheriff’s deputies to the Candler County Schools through a partnership with the Candler County School District. CCSO SRDs provide a number of services to the school facilities, including law enforcement services, traffic control in school zones, and the C.H.A.M.P.S program.
CCSO School Resource Deputies are assigned the additional task of operating the CHAMPS program.
CHAMPS Program